Unfortunately, this was the race where i did not finish, This was the race where i got my first ride back in the boat during the swim leg. This is the race where i felt like a failure.
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Notice the choppy water - much worse in the lake itself! |
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Larking about pre-race, ready for the off! |
Having had a good sleep i was awake just before 7 to have my porridge and also check the facebook updates being sent from Tenby for Ironman Wales which had a 7am start time. The weather back home looked amazing, lovely flat sea :) i wish i had had that sea rather than the deceptively choppy waters of bala lake! The morning started as dry but there was a good bit of wind down on the lake itself and there was definite chop on the water. However, this didn't faze me and i felt relaxed in the run up and then directly prior to my wave starting. Women were second wave off at 9:40am, with the younger men up to age 40 having already gone 10 minutes earlier, and the men 40+ coming 10 minutes after. My strategy on the swim was to start with everyone on my left as that is the side i breathe on and as the field spread out then cut a direct line up to the first buoy (all buoys were on our left). The swim is a one-lap affair and is easy to site. Most of the women bunched up on the left whereas i was in my own space on the right. i'd felt strong in the warm up, the water not as cold as last year and i heard one of the officials say it was 16 degrees which is decent as far as i am concerned!
The horn went and off we went...it soon became apparent that the water was even choppier than it appeared and i was only managing 7-10 strokes before a wave would hit me and i couldn't catch my breath. i'd never experienced this before. sure, i've swam in choppy water, and in large swell, but this was different, this time i couldn't get my breathing settled and it wasn't due to anxiety. i would stop and then try going again but soon realised that it wasn't working so i tried switching to breaststroke but even then i couldn't get my breath and could only manage short gasps. i was alternating between 7-10 strokes of front crawl and then not being able to breathe so having to switch to breaststroke and i tried to keep this up. by this point i knew it was race over in terms of the euro qualifying time as i was already so far behind my wave, regardless of not being the quickest swimmer anyway.
i kept telling myself just reach the top of the length and then it'll be ok as the chop won't be pushing you back anymore and it'll be easier to catch your breath but i wasn't getting anywhere fast. trying to breaststroke when my breathing felt restricted meant i didn't have much power in the stroke so the chop working against me meant i was wasting a lot of energy without any reward. by this time i was starting to feel isolated as all the safety kayaks were inside the buoys rather than on the outer edges. surely they would think that those taking the inside line were the better swimmers and those on the outer edges had placed themselves there for a reason? maybe if i'd had a kayak for moral support i would have been able to persevere? by this time my wave were already on their return leg and i still hadn't got down one length yet...the second wave caught and passed me and i was starting to feel pathetic with the sense of isolation and loss of control fuelling slight anxiety.
i could see my euro trip to kitzbuhel gone and i felt bad that i couldn't take my parents back to where they honeymooned. I was also starting to think that they might get concerned if they realised all the women were out of the water and they hadn't seen me...do i stick with it, not able to breathe properly and energy in my legs fast going, hoping that once i get to the top of the length (about 700m) that it'll all be OK, or do i quit? give in? admit defeat? i admit, i was hopeless, feeling despair and i concluded that even if i did complete the swim, in what would have been the slowest time by a long mile, then i would have had no energy, or breath for the bike or swim. i threw an arm up in the air (the sign that you want help), but no kayak saw me, i tried again, still no response, i took a few more breaststrokes but still couldn't get anywhere so again i threw up an arm and again...starting to get desperate now...eventually the kayak saw me and had to paddle 100m or so down to me. was i allowed to touch him? but then he asked, am i quitting the race? - yes i was, so of course i could hold on...i then got towed into the middle where the speed boats were, i felt sorry for the men swimming as we cut right across their path - sorry :( but it felt so good to not have to fight to keep going anymore. i got pulled up into the boat and then returned to shore. i felt dejected, i worried that my parents would see me and panic that something awful was wrong. i could see people looking at me knowing i had quit the race...i felt i had let people down by not being able to "man up" and 'never quit". I'm not a quitter, but this was a DNF (did not finish), which means i quit the race :( this was my first race that this had happened in. i started to doubt myself straight away, did i quit because i couldn't handle the chop? did i panic and that's why i couldn't breathe? i was well and truly, absolutely gutted. i just wanted to crawl in a hole and escape. my parents were fine, but i just thought about the wasted trip, the wasted money, whether they wondered if i couldn't hack the swim. i just wanted to grab my stuff and leave but i couldn't even do that. transition wasn't reopened until all the people were in off the bike which was a good few hours later :( by this time the weather had changed and it was wet and miserable. what a cracking day this was turning out to be!! all that optimism and positivity. all that excitement about smashing the race and finishing the season strongly. i had all this energy and nowhere for it to go...by the time i was back in the car on the way home my body crashed...i was aching, sniffly, and could hardly keep my eyes open :( i had no cough though so i still couldn't explain my tight chest but i did remember waking up the friday before with a tight chest and not swimming as a result. i then started to question who i had come into contact with that might have passed a bug onto me...clients, colleagues...
whilst waiting for my bike back i was at least able to cheer on my club mates, but i was gutted that i wasn't out there, i wasn't the one crossing the finishing line...i was pretty down for a few days after, disappointed at how the season had panned out and how it had ended. But the frustrating thing was i still had a tight chest and therefore couldn't go thrash out my frustration and unused energy in a hard training run or bike ride. during the week i didn't swim due to my chest but i did try a run or two and a turbo. after each training session i felt 'blurgh', almost nauseous, and my chest felt tight. this wasn't right, but then there was no cough, so i didn't think it was a chest infection. all i knew was that i wasn't a happy bunny at all :( i still had a half marathon to do as well at the end of the month and i wasn't able to do the full distance run that i had planned to do the weekend after Bala. things seemed to be conspiring against me. then someone suggested to me about 'exercise induced asthma'. reading up on this it started to fit with my symptoms over the years. i always struggle when i run in cold air, or when i run in atlanta when visiting my brother, which is very dry air, as well as cold at xmas time. i wheeze as if i have smoked 20 fags a day for years & truth be told i have never smoked, not even a puff as a kid. then there is my breathing in the pool where i struggle with breathing patterns over breathing every 4 strokes, and when going hard i can only manage breathing every 2 consistently. i have complained of having a small lung capacity, even though i'm as fit as a fiddle. added to that my late gran had chronic asthma and as a kid i had a heap of chest infections...it was worth a trip to the GP to get it checked out as rest wasn't helping and with the half marathon edging closer i needed to get back training, even if only for my sanity (& waist line)!!
The appointment i got with the practise nurse was as thorough as i could have hoped and she checked my chest which was clear and asked me to puff on a peak flow rate monitor which confirmed it was quite a bit below the norm for my age/height & fitness levels i guess. she gave me 4 puffs of an inhaler and then i had to wait 20 minutes before repeating the peak flow rate test which showed an improvement...there it might very well be asthma. i have to return in a few weeks with a month's work of monitoring my peak flow rate and i've also had blood tests done to see if i am anaemic. when i return the nurse wants to run more thorough tests too. What this has meant is that i'm back training without chest tightness. i'm running, doing work on the turbo, and went back swimming this morning. i felt much better now that i can breathe properly. it's also a relief that there is a reason for my tight chest and my DNF at Bala. it wasn't a psychological block, which as a psychologist currently doing a MSc in sports psychology, would have been a tough pill to swallow. it wasn't me, it was an underlying issue which i'd never thought of as anything other than normal before (in terms of the wheeziness after running in cold/dry air). this also means that it can be treated. additionally, having it flare up now, where i was able to take a decision to quit and was relatively safe is better than having a full blown asthma attack (if that is indeed what i have) and struggling to get any air at all. i'm hoping it might also help with my breathing pattern in swimming if i can get more air into my lungs.
So whilst i'm still disappointed that Bala didn't happen this year and my likely chance at qualifying at bala for the euros outright has gone, i can also put it down to experience as many people have shared their DNF stories with me, or their swim nightmares. nobody is immune from things going wrong on the day. all i know is that i prepared as best i could have and i wouldn't do anything different in the run up to the race again. i have made a commitment to get out into rough open water more often next season to prepare for all circumstances, as it's never enough practice in those conditions and it'll be a good test for my chest in swimming in choppy swell again for future races, and to build confidence back up. i feel my swimming has taken a few steps backwards in recent months, for reasons unknown, so i'm committed to putting in a lot of swim time, focusing on technique and getting more value for money when it comes to the effort i put in and the output i get.
This is the week before the Forest of Dean trails half now and i'm raring to go. My body isn't sure it wants this race however, as i have knee pain when cycling and my back has been playing up but the worrying things have been my calf pain from last season returning, even though running has been reduced, and also i have a slight strain/tear in my hamstring. I had an osteopath session yesterday so i'm stuck back together for now, but whilst i had planned on training next week on my end of season annual leave (feels long overdue) i might have to take a few days off to let the body settle. saying that though i have a ton of house jobs i want to do, painting, sorting garage, etc...so they might not be conducive to easing the aches and pains! when i am training though, pains aside, i feel like a tightly coiled spring just waiting to be unleashed...i have all this energy yet to be properly spent so i'm going to go and enjoy sunday on a challenging hilly course, but give it my all as then i will feel that i have finished my season and earned a rest, rather than getting there by default...so here's to the half marathon...i'll let you know how it goes ;)
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